
Today is a new day! Yesterday was National Pi day! How many celebrated Pi day by baking and eating pie? A lot, and that is always a good thing. 

 Pi, represented by the Greek letter "π," symbolizes the ratio of a circumference of a circle to its diameter (3.14). March 14 is marked as The National Pi Day because the numerical value, 3.14, represents the day.

However, today is a new day! What do you have that is foremost on your list for today? For me, there are taxes, an online class, and writing this blog, and working on a newsletter about the various types of writing that I offer to potential clients. Then there are the other items that need attending to- the ones we rush to crunch into our day to get them off our 'plate' and to meet the many deadlines that we encounter along the way in life. 

Happy day and please contact me at alexis@alexisskriloffjamejameswriter.com, and visit my website and blog at  www.alexisskriloffjameswriter.com/blog  Don't forget to sign up for my newsletter on the contact page on the website!

Happy day, 



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